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I don't want it I don't need it but I can't stop myself!
8/17/2017 - Just got to Baltimore. Listened to Helmet's In The Meantime on the way in. Wearing my Vast hoodie. Gearing up for Stabbing Westward tonight!! Yeah 90s rock music never left this kid!!
Thursday August 17, 2017:

I had last seen anything Stabbing Westward when Chris was on tour with The Dreaming so it had been a while for sure. It's just too bad my Darkest Days T shirt isn't around anymore, I had to resort to wearing my Vast hoodie. These days I like to plan out my shows by working from home the day of if there's a bit of a trip involved and taking the next day off. The ticket said the show started at 8:30, so I left my home in Arlington by 6:30. Got to Baltimore Soundstage just at 8 PM. The first band was called We Love The Underground and they were decent. Sort of reminded me of a band called Anarchy Club. Ego Likeness finally played and they were decent too! The songs I remembered from when I saw them open for Bella Morte way back when included Burn Witch Burn and Save Your Serpent. It had been a while since I'd heard anything from Ego Likeness too, though! During Ego Likeness set I got to say hi to Chris Hall and he signed my concert book on my The Dreaming page! So cool! Finally 10 PM rolled around and Stabbing Westward was on! They opened with Drugstore and Falls Apart. I didn't care too much for So Far Away but the rest of the setlist made up for that. ACF was amazing live, Sometimes It Hurts, Lies, The Thing I Hate, and of course Nothing, the very first song I ever heard from Stabbing Westward on WAAF back when I was a teenager in Massachusetts in the 90s. Then they went into What Do I Have To Do? by saying it was a really obscure b side, yeah right! Violent Mood Swings was also amazing, then a short encore, and they were back with Save Yourself! They ended with Waking Up Beside You and of course Shame. It was nostalgic, of course. It was also sad hearing all these breakup songs having recently been single again this year. But it was so worth it! If they had replaced So Far Away with Happy or Everything I Touch, I think it would have been a perfect setlist! But, I'm definitely not complaining. Last night was one to remember for sure! Such a classic!

8/17/2017 - Stabbing Westward

8/17/2017 - We Love The Underground

8/17/2017 - Ego Likeness

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