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9/1/2012 (Saturday), Day 08:
Another pretty good easy day. Woke up a couple of times but finally up at about 9:30 AM in time for breakfast. Tri made me a ham sandwich with spread and tomato, it was very good! I hopped a cab to a nearby Chinese temple and took a few pictures. I came back home and took a swim in the pool but it started to rain so I came back in for lunch. I also started reading Tanya French's newest book, Broken Harbor. Tri cooked up a nice meal of spaghetti for lunch. Since it was Saturday I was able to meet up with a friend of Wallace's named JT and a friend of JT's named Nini who was just learning English. The three of us walked all over Link City Mall which was a neat place and very big. It was quite an experience to get to the Mainland but still pretty cool I guess. We enjoyed the mall's Chinese food and I even got to check out a Chinese McDonalds. Still getting over the fact there's no fortune cookies here! Very weird.
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