1/1/2024 (Monday, 04:08 PM): Starting the New Year right!
1/1/2023 (Sunday, 10:50 AM): Some Two Board Teachers again this year and a video call with my folks watching the fireworks rounds out 2022 into 2023! Too bad it was kind of cloudy out!
1/1/2022 (Saturday, 12:15 AM): That cheese platter was awesome! Thanks Two Board Teachers!
1/1/2021 (Friday, 12:20 PM): I may not even be who I used to be. Poetry: Hollow
1/1/2020 (Wednesday, 03:19 PM, New Years): Happy New Year!!
1/1/2019 (Tuesday, 12:05 AM, New Years): What a great party with everyone this year!
1/1/2018 (Monday, 12:03 AM): Happy New Years! Had fun playing Telestrations at Ed and Amy's this year. That was fun!
1/1/2015 (Thursday, 12:01 AM, New Years): New Years in Old Town! Fun!
1/1/2014 (Wednesday, 12:05 AM, New Years): Happy New Year!
1/1/2012 (Sunday, 08:48 PM): It was nice ringing in the New Year with my folks for once! My Mom just won all our scrabble games in 2012 by over 100 points! I better step my game up! Top Ten: Warrior Worrier by Outlandish
1/1/2011 (Saturday, 04:17 AM): Depending on how you look at it, the party here was either 1. really really out of control or 2. pretty cool until it got out of control. I think it's a little of both!!
1/1/2010 (Friday, 07:21 PM): I got my CD tower built in three hours! How's that for being productive!
1/1/2009 (Thursday, 11:45 PM): At Michael & Elyse's we watched the Great Debaters and also had a fondu dish. Then, Michael and I played wii bowling. Fun times!
1/1/2005 (Saturday, 04:14 PM): Gotta love that Macklemore! Top Ten: The Language Of My World by Macklemore
1/1/2004 (Thursday, 02:29 PM): Kim and Bobby and our other friend Kim came over. We had pizza and champagne.