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5/3/2020 (Sunday, 03:59 PM, Covid Livestreams):
Had fun watching yet another Striking Matches StageIt performance, this time fan-curated! They did Medicine, Trouble Is, Shameless, He Only Loves Me When It's Raining. What a great show! Glad to get that German Gourmet fix on too! Yum!!


5/3/2019 (Friday, 07:41 PM, Sake And Friends):
Just me and Sake hanging out!


5/3/2018 (Thursday, 12:40 PM, Food):
Lunch done right!


5/3/2013 (Friday, 08:09 AM):
New Little Boots Nocturnes might just be the album of the year!
Top Ten: Nocturnes by Little Boots


5/3/2011 (Tuesday, 09:28 AM):
Just bought a Stratego board game on ebay!

5/3/2009 (Sunday, 10:59 PM):
Blue Martini, Kaminski's bar, and a nice fancy Sunday brunch at the Mansion made for a nice well-rounded trip to see Sam this weekend! Rounding out the weekend with Five Guys and a movie called The Soloist!

5/3/2005 (Tuesday, 09:12 AM):
Kind of excited to check out the new Nine Inch Nails!
Top Ten: With Teeth by Nine Inch Nails


5/3/2004 (Monday, 11:19 PM):
Yay! My Ripdrive came!

5/3/2001 (Thursday, 09:52 PM):
I woke up early and walked to school. I stopped by the bank. At school, I completed my homework. I managed to get to karate for some stress relief! Armando, my karate instructor, wants to take me out for a drink after my last class! Back to studying!!
Diaries: Day 115

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