5/5/2018 (Saturday, 06:25 PM, Sake And Friends): Ready for the Kentucky Derby! Weeks of planning went into making this hat!!
5/5/2017 (Friday, 07:17 PM): The new At The Drive In album should be interesting! Top Ten: Interalia by At The Drive In
5/5/2014 (Monday, 06:33 PM): Super Duper Alice Cooper!
5/5/2012 (Saturday, 09:52 AM): Finally got to check out U St Music Hall last night! Poetry: Early Morning Mist
5/5/2009 (Tuesday, 08:48 PM, Concerts): Seeing Vast for the fourth time tonight! Concerts: Vast at State Theater
5/5/2007 (Saturday, 04:15 PM): Just got my knee results in this week. Everything's negative. Nobody knows what is going on. Oh well. It's an inflammatory condition. Thanks, I already knew that.
5/5/2005 (Thursday, 06:45 AM): Kim and Bobby get married today!
5/5/2004 (Wednesday, 06:37 PM): I was surprised nothing was done for Cinco De Mayo today. It was really rather a boring day. Same old, same old. Poetry: Mirror Pane Poetry: Sweet Death
5/5/2003 (Monday, 09:36 AM): On Friday we went out to eat at Silver Diner. Saturday we went to Walmart and I got a fan. On Sunday the library had a book sale so we snagged a box of books for $3. After catching some of the Simpsons, we watched Malcolm in the Middle. Not a bad weekend!
5/5/2001 (Saturday, 08:55 PM): On my laptop I watched Wild Things and then Men In Black. After lunch I got some pictures of everyone as a family! I went to Bilbao for a few hours at my favorite Internet Cafe spot. I checked my grade for my computer class and I passed! Diaries: Day 117