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5/6/2022 (Friday, 10:25 PM, Covid Livestreams):
So cool to see Candlebox again livestreaming all the way from Massachusetts! Pretty similar set to last week when I saw them in person but I did enjoy the Pink Floyd cover at the end and they played Breathe Me In too!


5/6/2018 (Sunday, 06:29 PM, Food):
Seafood scramble, anyone?! So good!


5/6/2017 (Saturday, 08:29 PM, Food):
Checking out the new owners at the thai place near To Sok Jip, it's called Nua Haus, pretty good!!


5/6/2016 (Friday, 09:10 PM, Food):
Parents weekend = yummy sushi at Taiko!


5/6/2014 (Tuesday, 08:33 AM):
Amazon won't let me in my Prime account. This sucks.
Top Ten: White Women by Chromeo
Top Ten: Shine On by Sarah McLachlan


5/6/2013 (Monday, 09:29 PM):
My new home! Now, to find movers!

5/6/2009 (Wednesday, 11:41 PM):
Just bought a USB to IDE converter cable and I'm hoping to restore my old computer from 2001!

5/6/2002 (Monday, 03:12 PM):
I got to check out Wolf Trap on the way home, but I couldn't see much cause it was dark. Looked pretty, to say the least.
Top Ten: Everythings Fine by Kemopetrol


5/6/2001 (Sunday, 09:46 PM):
We all went to a coffee shop and then decided to go to the Rostro market. The market was a lot of fun! I bought a personalized poster of a bullfight! Daryl and I also went to a kebab place. When I came home Lola told us she baked a cake for Mother's Day!
Diaries: Day 118


5/6/2000 (Saturday, 08:25 PM):
Blood Lies Truth under the skin of everyone!
Poetry: Blood Lies Truth

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