5/8/2021 (Saturday, 06:45 PM, Even More Food): Zaytoons for dinner! Finally something I can eat around here!!
5/8/2020 (Friday, 12:21 PM, Food): Ham tofu for lunch! Not bad!!
5/8/2018 (Tuesday, 12:29 PM, American University): Not a bad trip to AU if it includes a free meal at TDR! The last time I ate here was 16 years ago!!
5/8/2017 (Monday, 07:25 PM, Sake And Friends): Just me and Sake!
5/8/2016 (Sunday, 08:47 PM, Food): Weekend shenanigans at Fettoosh! Top Ten: A Moon Shaped Pool by Radiohead
5/8/2015 (Friday, 08:32 PM): Interested to hear what the new Roisin Murphy album sounds like! Top Ten: Hairless Toys by Roisin Murphy
5/8/2013 (Wednesday, 06:00 PM): Got the house key! Plus my new landlord is the nicest person ever. Poetry: Left Right There
5/8/2011 (Sunday, 06:50 AM): The Foals show last night was amazing! All the bands that played were so good! I had an ideal spot on the balcony and a prime parking space too!
5/8/2010 (Saturday, 10:37 PM): Reading the memoir of David Reilly from the band God Lives Underwater, after just having finished the Shannon Hoon Blind Melon memoir.
5/8/2009 (Friday, 12:20 PM): I have to redo a report at work because my client got back to me with one really easy change, but it also means I have to redo the whole project. Annoying! Even more frustrating because I asked my boss about it before starting!
5/8/2007 (Tuesday, 02:43 PM): Back on crutches today. Damn knee! Damn fire drill today at work, too. 11 flights of stairs = no fun with an inflamed knee. Ugh.