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8/10/2024 (Saturday, 05:52 PM):
Loving Boardwalk burgers!! Yummy!!


8/10/2021 (Tuesday, 06:45 PM, Even More Food):
Ordered Spice Kraft as soon as I got home and barely made it back before the crazy rain hit! Phew!


8/10/2019 (Saturday, 07:40 PM, Food):
Not a bad dinner huh!


8/10/2018 (Friday, 10:29 PM):
New Jake Shears, meh!!
Top Ten: Jake Shears by Jake Shears


8/10/2015 (Monday, 07:16 PM):
RIP Appa. You were a great dog and will be missed.

8/10/2012 (Friday, 09:51 PM):
Out bar hopping in Clarendon on a nice evening with Nick, Joey, and Ratul.

8/10/2009 (Monday, 03:24 PM):
I keep changing my Puppet/Master CD around. I think this is getting pretty close to finalized though. I may change one or two tracks here and there.

8/10/2007 (Friday, 05:53 PM):
I know I'm alive for a reason, but I'm still waiting to find out why. - Sam

8/10/2004 (Tuesday, 09:54 PM):
Karate was so good. We did parries and blocks. My legs and upper body feel so damn sore! Oh and I finally remembered my Yahoo Launchcast password, it's been a year since I've even thought about that website!

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