9/10/2024 (Tuesday, 10:59 PM): Had fun watching the debate at Patricia's apartment downstairs with everyone!
9/10/2022 (Saturday, 05:25 PM): Not bad for a meal at home!
9/10/2021 (Friday, 12:01 PM): Always good to try new sushi places but I think I still prefer the Handover over Sushi Jin!
9/10/2018 (Monday, 08:31 AM): A lot is happening today between Trademasters hopefully fixing my water issue and a farewell luncheon at work since we didn't win the contract I was hired for!
9/10/2016 (Saturday, 07:00 PM, Friends): Joint birthday celebration at Hot Spot in Fairfax Happy birthday!! Missing Josh and Jessi though!
9/10/2015 (Thursday, 11:46 PM): A sweet birthday dinner celebration at Reserve 2216, just the two of us! Happy birthday!!
9/10/2013 (Tuesday, 07:05 AM): The new Emiliana Torrini sounds so much like early Bjork. Awesome!
9/10/2012 (Monday, 11:33 AM): I rise and think to myself a blue sky now red blood. Poetry: No Regrets
9/10/2011 (Saturday, 05:11 PM): I push this button every 108 minutes. I don't get out much.
9/10/2009 (Thursday, 06:36 PM): Tried my first resist-a-ball class at the gym so I can get three workouts in this week!