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9/12/2021 (Sunday, 03:50 PM, Covid Livestreams):
Hooray for yet another Just Jack livestream on Facebook today!


9/12/2020 (Saturday, 07:40 AM):
This Fire!
Poetry: This Fire

9/12/2019 (Thursday, 07:08 PM):
What a pretty sunset!


9/12/2018 (Wednesday, 06:49 PM, Sake And Friends):
Taking Sake to the vet for her allergy scratching, poor girl!


9/12/2015 (Saturday, 10:35 PM):
Not too bad of a dinner for sure!


9/12/2009 (Saturday, 05:22 PM):
I tried my first resist-a-ball class at the gym this week!

9/12/2006 (Tuesday, 09:27 AM):
Ima Robot!!
Top Ten: Monument To The Masses by Ima Robot


9/12/2003 (Friday, 08:52 PM):
We got there just in time to meet Michael and Elyse at Johnny Rockets, which was cool. We all had shakes and the meal was yummy.

9/12/2002 (Thursday, 09:35 AM):
Fear in the full, life is regret.
Poetry: And Thats All Im Gonna Say

9/12/2000 (Tuesday, 02:35 PM):
A mirror glass ball crystallized into another dimension.
Poetry: Mirror Glass Ball
Top Ten: Relationship Of Command by At The Drive In
Top Ten: Music For People by Vast


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