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11/28/2024 (Thursday, 01:49 PM):
Slept in late and picked up Spice Kraft spread which was behind but got it okay! Happy Thanksgiving!!


11/28/2022 (Monday, 06:58 AM):
What a cool sunrise!


11/28/2020 (Saturday, 05:38 PM, Family):
Had fun at a park in Frederick MD visiting family who are traveling cross country from California to Massachusetts! About an hour or two is all the family I can handle!


11/28/2019 (Thursday, 06:30 PM, Thanksgiving):
Had a fun Thanksgiving this year at my coworker's home in Reston. It was nice to be able to bring Sake too, for once!


11/28/2014 (Friday, 04:43 PM):
Made it back home okay and Sake did great! Another successful Thanksgiving!

11/28/2013 (Thursday, 04:30 PM, Thanksgiving):
Happy Thanksgiving (and Chanukah!) everyone!!


11/28/2012 (Wednesday, 11:41 PM):
Another song from Skins, Mass by Virtual Boy. I love it!

11/28/2011 (Monday, 09:35 PM):
As much as getting a ticket sucks, I can proudly say I was on my way to Yechon at 5:30 in the morning when it happened!

11/28/2010 (Sunday, 04:16 PM):
Just printed out my five Groupons and more importantly my Deals Gone Bad tickets for Friday's show!

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