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Christmas Eve
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12/24/2024 (Tuesday, 05:58 PM):
Chinese food from Young Chow for Christmas Eve with plenty of leftovers for lunch tomorrow too! Yum! And what a sunrise this morning that was! Wow!


12/24/2023 (Sunday, 07:18 PM, Even More Food):
Obligatory Chinese food with Jenny for Christmas Eve! Yay!!


12/24/2022 (Saturday, 06:05 PM):
RIP Maxi Jazz. Faithless forever! And here on a day I get my Spice Kraft holiday order too!


12/24/2021 (Friday, 12:20 PM, Even More Food):
The Spice Kraft holiday menu was awesome again this time!


12/24/2019 (Tuesday, 02:42 PM, Food):
Had fun getting to try Kung Fu Kitchen today despite the crappy service!!


12/24/2018 (Monday, 01:06 PM, Sake And Friends):
Not a bad day bringing my dog into work, even if nobody else was here!


12/24/2016 (Saturday, 11:53 PM):
As a kid, Christmas was all about how many movies we could sneak into on the same day and then go to Chopsticks for dinner. Sometimes I miss those days!


12/24/2014 (Wednesday, 10:35 PM, Miami):
Made it to Miami and got the last fish from the docks! What a great first day!


12/24/2013 (Tuesday, 04:57 PM):
Driving up to Massachusetts tomorrow. Let me know if you want to get together.

12/24/2012 (Monday, 07:52 PM):
You know you're Jewish when you spend Christmas Eve at something called Gefilte Fish Gala.

12/24/2011 (Saturday, 05:00 PM):
Walking around Second Life is really weird when I have a big cast on my leg. At the hotel this week with my folks and my dog. Give me a shout, say hi!

12/24/2010 (Friday, 03:26 PM):
Looks like I'm DJ'ing Chad's house party tonight!

12/24/2009 (Thursday, 10:32 PM):
I got my room painted in just about 4 hours. I used just about a whole gallon of paint, though I bought two just in case. It was my first time painting anything! I always wanted a blue room!

12/24/2006 (Sunday, 08:16 AM):
Yesterday I went to the Marine Corps museum. It was fun. We walked around a lot and saw a whole bunch of stuff.

12/24/2005 (Saturday, 10:19 AM):
I received the weirdest compliment from a total stranger this week. She came up to my table as she was ordering her meal at Quizno's and said: You have beautiful eyebrows.

12/24/1998 (Thursday, 02:00 PM):
I fall to the depths far below. I never hit.
Poetry: Happy Pain

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