2/5/2021 (Friday, 07:03 PM): Olive Bakery and a Weee! order again for the win today!!
2/5/2013 (Tuesday, 07:55 PM): Flogging Molly tonight! Concerts: Flogging Molly at The Fillmore
2/5/2011 (Saturday, 11:45 PM): So apparently, at a Chromeo show, my awesome dancing can get me: 1. two dances with other guys girlfriends, 2. a free drink from a random person who liked watching me dance as well! Concerts: Chromeo at 930 Club
2/5/2009 (Thursday, 10:03 PM): It felt weird not going to the gym since they canceled bosu and boxing this week (it's supposed to have been moved to Tuesday already). I'm going to start working from home on Tuesdays next week to compensate for the bosu/boxing gym change.
2/5/2007 (Monday, 09:05 AM): I now have a Second Life account! My name is: Quaint Quaranta. Poetry: Much Much Later
2/5/2005 (Saturday, 11:52 PM): I got a ticket on the five minute drive from my condo to the Metro. Cop clocked me going at 41 in a 25 mile per hour zone. At least we got to meet up at the Dubliner for lunch by Union Station with Michael and Elyse and Kim and Bobby.
2/5/2001 (Monday, 10:40 PM, Spain And More): Today I had Microeconomics and Computer Science again. After school I went to karate class and after karate I went to Cafe Commercial with my housemates Laura and Jocelyn. I also met some of their friends there too. Diaries: Day 28