2/14/2024 (Wednesday, 12:43 PM): Another Valentines Day delight!
2/14/2021 (Sunday, 09:57 PM): What an awesome Valentines Day with a Blue October livestream at home! Got to hear a bit of everything (My Never, Home, Fight For Love) and Justin was amazing! Particularly cool to hear from Justin's diary in the 90s and the shout outs to other fans!
2/14/2020 (Friday, 10:58 PM): Saw a decent documentary called Man Vs Snake about the video game Nibbler and the guys who held the world records at one point or other. Pretty cool!
2/14/2019 (Thursday, 12:25 PM, Food): A special Valentines Day treat all for me courtesy of J Petal! I love this place!! Plus my desk and a Fire TV stick are coming from Amazon later! Wohoo!!
2/14/2018 (Wednesday, 11:32 PM): If ROUS (Rodents of Unusual Size) exist does that make Andres the Giant a MOUS (Man of Unusual Size) ?
2/14/2014 (Friday, 04:42 PM): Seeing The Toasters at Blue Fox Billiards in Winchester this weekend will be her first show of theirs and my 5th time seeing them! Can't wait! Off to see The Princess Bride tonight for Valentines Day!!
2/14/2013 (Thursday, 07:09 AM): KMFDM and Legion Within. Ticket bought! Yay!!
2/14/2009 (Saturday, 06:21 PM): It wasn't the right scene, and we were all there for the drum n bass set instead, so we took a drive in Sa Toshi's car and listened to his Russian drum n bass CDs. That was pretty fun! What a great group!!
2/14/2001 (Wednesday, 11:49 PM, Spain And More): Today was St Valentine's Day. I sent emails to all the girls on my contacts! Then I had Computer Science and Microeconomics. After lunch I went back to school to work on a Computer Science program. Lola took me and my housemates out for churros. Yum! Diaries: Day 37