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5/6/2022 - So cool to see Candlebox again livestreaming all the way from Massachusetts! Pretty similar set to last week when I saw them in person but I did enjoy the Pink Floyd cover at the end and they played Breathe Me In too! (101.jpg)
3/16/2023 - Got to check out the Robert Plant and Allison Krauss livestream from Red Rocks tonight! So good!! (104.jpg)
3/30/2023 - Pretty cool having magician Harrison Kramer for our Spring Social online at work! Fun! (105.jpg)
5/21/2023 - So cool to watch Violent Femmes livestream tonight! Loved it!! (106.jpg)
11/25/2024 - Had fun checking out the Liz Cheney and Hakeem Jeffries livestream from the Sixth & I. Cool event! (113.jpg)
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