3/11/2018 - Sake's dreaming of a bigger pillow, I bet! (121.jpg)
4/30/2018 - Sake wants to come in now, doesn't she?! (123.jpg)
5/5/2018 - Ready for the Kentucky Derby! Weeks of planning went into making this hat!! (124.jpg)
5/25/2018 - Sake turned her head just at the right time for me to take this photo! (125.jpg)
7/8/2018 - Sake found the best place at the Mosaic farmers market to lie down haha! (128.jpg)
7/29/2018 - Finally got Sake dog groomed for once! Was not expecting to bail out my friend from an accident on the bike trail while I was waiting for Sake to get done, but that was pretty convenient since I got back to pick her up right on time! (129.jpg)
8/1/2018 - Loving this photo of Sake! (130.jpg)
9/12/2018 - Taking Sake to the vet for her allergy scratching, poor girl! (134.jpg)
9/14/2018 - What a fun idea to take Sake into work with me today!! And now Bailey's here for the weekend too! (137.jpg)
9/15/2018 - Here's some more Bailey and Sake photos for the win! (140.jpg)