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1/30/2019 - Sake looks like she's in trouble but I can assure you she's not! (163.jpg)
2/6/2019 - Sake loves her crate! (164.jpg)
2/20/2019 - Snowed most of the morning then turned to rain. Glad I got my desk delivered from Amazon and already set it up! Here's Sake begging for some food. (165.jpg)
3/2/2019 - Just another morning hanging out with Sake! (166.jpg)
3/7/2019 - Where ya going, Sake girl? (167.jpg)
3/10/2019 - Sake says hi the only way she knows how! (168.jpg)
3/11/2019 - Aw. A selfie with Sake! (169.jpg)
4/8/2019 - Just trying to play my Yoshi game and Sake wants some company it looks like, haha! (171.jpg)
4/24/2019 - She's always the cutest when she sleeps! (172.jpg)
5/3/2019 - Just me and Sake hanging out! (173.jpg)
5/9/2019 - Sake on her walk with an 8 week old puppy dog named Lemon. Those two go together huh! (174.jpg)
6/24/2019 - Just me and Sake! (175.jpg)
7/21/2019 - Had fun meeting Phoebe the new kitten this weekend, so cute! (179.jpg)
8/23/2019 - Aw, Sake girl! (180.jpg)
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