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Never Dying 9/16/2001
A grain of sand passes through the hourglass, to be flipped is more than I can take.
A flash of lightning crosses the path of time, I hear the thunder, the rain makes me wet.
The random notions of now makes me want to gag.
Just like it always has been, I feel forced to give in, the pressure is intense!
Reflections on the ground climb to the heavens.
They scale the walls of never ending tales, woven by beads of life.
A smile in me, of life all around me, of all things beautiful and not forgotten.
My friend, the world, who has been there always, will keep me comfort into the blinking light.
And I will remember all of you as you will remember all of me.
Never to be alone, that is my dream.
Canopies my head, warms my cold, fire in my heart, jumpstart my brain.
Feed my life again, never kill me.
Learn now, it is intense!
Be forever, I would never want anything else.
Listen and you may hear me, my only, my smile.
My friend the world has granted me the only gift and I will use it wisely.
So beware for it is me.
I know my smile.
I know my life.
I know all around me.
Blink and it may be too late.
Forget and it may be all over.
Be in it now and be in it forever.
Never look back.
Kick to wake me up.
I lost control of my thoughts once.
Nothing will ever lose control of me.

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