People change. Maybe not for the better, maybe not for the good. Nobody knows why, but maybe they should. I have a story to tell, one of heaven, one of hell. There are people below, in the depths, in the cold. And the things up above are high and far and nobody knows what they are made of. Things I do and things I have not done. I do not know why or what or how but has anything really been fun? Life is short, life is sweet, life is but a caterpillar turned into a butterfly. We all grow old sometime, learning, living. And nobody likes anyone else more than the next guy down the road! And how am I a person in all of this and where do I fit in this world? People are people, but how am I a person and how am I below? This is my story, this is my life. Living in a world surrounded by what, surrounded by who, this is my story. Life is to be learned, life is to be lived. Life is to be short and sweet and always to the truth! And nobody should ever fuck with someone's life because you know that is just not cool. You know that is something nobody should ever do! People change. And why am I writing this? Life should be short, it should be succinct, but it isn't. I have to be stuck in the middle, I want to find a way out. I am trapped in a world of strangers. I do care, I do know, I do have friends, but they are just assholes half the time. I don't know them. My true friends, the ones who I can call friends, they are not assholes. They are people I can relate to, I love them. The assholes are assholes, that's life. So fuck off! I mean, really. I don't know who, I don't know what for, I don't even know why I'm writing this! Some people get mad, some people throw things, break things, get pissed off at things. I just write. This is my way of telling it how it is. This is my life, this is my story. Deal with it.